Share of Search a key leading forward-looking business indicator:

  • The definition of Share of Search is the volume of search queries generated by a brand within a defined category as a proportion of search queries generated by all other brands within the same category. By noting the number of times people type a brand’s name into a search engine relative to its competitors, and by removing bias from respondents forced responses, low response rates, overall category growth or seasonal fluctuations, Share of Search captures which brand is top-of-mind.

  • As proof of the pudding, Les Binet & James Hankins have positively demonstrated how Share of Search can predict market share development in many categories. This data gives a brand enough time to course-correct, invest in success, or steer away from disaster.

The old way:

  • Before, measuring marketing effectiveness relied on having access to consumers to ask questions for their opinions:

  • Opinion polls

  • Focus groups

  • Live observation

The new way:

You have access to market and brand behaviour from the 2,5 quintillion bytes and growing of behavioural and sentiment data produced by humans every day:

  • Search behaviour

  • Online discussions

  • Articles & reports

  • 81% of the public use search to aid buying decisions.