RESEARCH RELAY - Alexander Vucic

"I believe that one of the biggest hindrances for share of search is that people don’t fully understand or trust the data.
Not that people are stupid, we are just not used to it. It was not too long ago that we as marketers used to trust brand surveys to 100%, since there was no other way to track your brand. These surveys were usually done with panels that are used for many different surveys and the participants usually get some kind of compensation for it. There has always been a discussion about how trustworthy the result from a survey like this is. But now when there is a new way of tracking your brand, marketers are a bit reserved to it and some haven’t even heard of it. Is this due to the lack of time to learn new things, or is it a matter of “when brand X are looking into it, we will too”, or something else?

I have no answer to this question, but what I do know is that Google alone processes 63.000 search queries every second worldwide, EVERY SECOND!
That is about 5.6 billion searches every day, for myself these numbers is getting stupidly big and unmanageable for my mind to try to comprehend the full extent of it. Do you feel the same? Don’t even try to multiply that with 365.

Ok, sorry I did it, it’s two trillion and forty-four billion searches every year.Here comes the interesting part, instead of paying some survey company money for tracking your brand in one exact moment of time. You can now see the history of how your brand has developed, and the best part is that the data you are using for it is the data that the consumers put into Google in the time of need, not because someone asks them to think of a brand. So I would say that the data we are looking at to get our share of search for different brands is authentic and pure."

Alexander passes the relay on to Mats Rönne, Mr Efficiency in Sweden.
Stay tuned!


Today we are launching:RESEARCH RELAY


Track with data that correlates with market share